Medical school is just a few cards away.Passing the medical entrance exam was one of the biggest challenges we have had to date.In addition to attending classes and studying, having to plan and organize revisions throughout the year is a difficult and complex task.It would be great if you only worried about studying, right?Combining our experience in preparing for the entrance exam and everything we studied about the different study techniques, we created Unify.In this App, you will be able to browse the content covered in entrance exams and ENEM through more than 17,000 flashcards associated with our intelligent spaced repetition algorithm.Unify knows when you need to review each piece of content and will provide you with the exact number of flashcards daily. Nothing more, nothing less!Our platform will be the central axis of your approval.The best of all this? You dont need to worry about whether youre studying enough; which subject you should study today, tomorrow and so on; or even having to create your flashcards. Here you will find everything ready to enhance your studies.The contents that our cards cover are: Portuguese (and Writing), Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History.We are always making updates so that you have the best possible experience with our App.Inside the App you will find a section with various statistics about the progression of your study. It’s called “My Performance”.If you have any suggestions, or want to report an error during your study, in the top right corner you will find an icon that takes you to the “Report Error” tab. In this tab, you can contact App Support.In “My Profile”, you are able to find the subjects you want to select to intensify your study. In addition, you will also find the Terms of Use relating to the App and Unify.